Collective Worship

At St. Martin’s C or E Primary & Nursery School, we are a Church school and we believe that Collective Worship plays a very important role in the life of our school.

It is an opportunity to celebrate all aspects of school life to support our curriculum and to provide an opportunity for stillness and reflection in what is often a very

busy, active day for our children.

Through our daily act of collective worship we aim to:
• Provide an opportunity for thought, prayer, reflection and celebration in a caring atmosphere; through this children learn about and are nurtured in the Christian faith;
• Create a sense of school identity and of belonging to a school community which shares common experiences;
• Encompass all aspects of school life, all curriculum areas and reflect the school’s ethos;
• Show children that we are members of a wider community, both local and global;
• Encourage a care and concern for others in society and the natural world;
• Help children think about a wide variety of ideas and dimensions of life, including spiritual, ritual, wonderful, joyful, tragic, sorrowful, solemn and humorous.



8:45 – 9:15


Class Based Reflections on Collective Worship



Sung Worship   


Class Based Reflections - Picture News

8:45 – 9:15

Celebration Assembly - Our weekly opportunity to celebrate childrens' postive attitudes towards learning and each other; children's achievements in both AR reading quizzes and TT Rockstarts/ Numbots and the top 3 classes with the highest attendance.

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St Martin's C of E Primary and Nursery Younghayes Road, Cranbrook, Devon EX5 7DT
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