
If you would like your child to attend St Martin’s C of E Primary School please contact Devon County Council’s Admissions Team. Applications can be made online at or by using the forms available at Devon publishes guides to the admissions process: the Step by Step Guide and the In-Year Guide at

If you are interested in your child joining us, either in our main intake into Reception or at any other time, please do come along and visit us. Appointments to visit the school can be made with a member of the Senior Leadership Team by contacting the school on 01404 515409.

If we can make a place available to you then we will. If not, you would have the right to appeal to a panel that is independent of the school and we would place your child’s name on a waiting list for vacancies.

We have our own admissions policy because we are a Voluntary Aided school and have responsibility for admissions decisions. Our policy is reviewed every year – we take part in the Council’s annual consultation in December and January and welcome the views of our local community.

If we have a vacancy then all children are welcome to join us. If we are oversubscribed, we still welcome all children but give priority to particular groups.

Admissions policy for 2023-24

This policy was part of the Devon County Council organised consultation, held between 1st November 2021 and 7th January 2022.  The policy was determined (approved) by the Governing Board on 14th February 2022 and can be viewed below.

For admissions in 2023-24, the following oversubscription criteria will be used:

We only use these oversubscription criteria when we are oversubscribed. For full details of our admission arrangements, please look at our admissions policies.

  1. Looked after children and children who were previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to adoption, a child arrangements order, or special guardianship order including those who appear to the admission authority to have been in state care outside England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
  2. Priority will next be given to children based on their exceptional medical or social needs or those of their parents.
  3. Priority will next be given to children living within the catchment area set out in the map in the admissions policy who are siblings of pupils on roll at this school.
  4. Priority will next be given to other children living within the catchment area.
  5. Priority will next be given to children living outside the catchment area, who are siblings of pupils on rollat this school.
  6. Priority will next be given to children who regularly attend (or whose parents regularly attend) a Christian church.
  7. Priority will next be given to children of members of staff who have been employed at this school formore than two years or recruited within the past two years to fill a vacancy for which there was a skills shortage.
  8. Priority will next be given to children attending St Martin’s Little Parrots Nursery at the time of theapplication.
  9. Priority will next be given to other children.

A child whose Education, Health and Care Plan names the school will be admitted without regard for these criteria.

We take part in the co-ordinated admissions schemes of Devon County Council which help parents to make applications for admission to school. Parents can apply through Devon for in-year admissions and through the local authority where the child lives for the normal round of admissions. We may also ask you to complete a Supplementary Information Form (SIF) or provide a letter from a priest or minister to demonstrate that your child should have higher priority on faith or staff grounds. The SIF is included in the policy documents. Devon County Council publishes information about admissions and its own policies to support the admissions application and appeals process. This is at 

Admissions policy for 2024-25

This policy was part of the Devon County Council organised consultation, held between 1 November 2022 and 6 January 2023. The policy was determined (approved) by the Governing Board on 6th February 2023 and can be viewed below.

School Appeals Process

Please find information on the Devon school admissions appeals process at For in-year admissions in any academic year, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. Dates for 2024-25 appeals are as follows:

When to appeal: From 17 May 2024 or from 20 school days after the refusal, whichever is later

Deadline to submit appeal: 31 May 2024

Deadline to hear appeal: 26 July 2024

Admissions policy for 2025-26

This policy was part of the Devon County Council organised consultation held between November 2023 and January 2024. It was determined (approved) by the Governing Board on 5th February 2024 and can be viewed below. 


Admissions Information:

Devon’s admissions policies:

Online applications in Devon:

More on the appeals timetable:

Admissions to the Nursery

Admissions to the Nursery are managed by the Nursery Administrator under a separate policy. This policy must be read in conjunction to the Nursery Terms and Conditions document. These can be viewed by the links below:

St. Martin’s offers nursery places to children from the term of their third birthday. A nursery application form is located below.

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Martin's C of E Primary and Nursery Younghayes Road, Cranbrook, Devon EX5 7DT
Discover us on a map