Forest School 2024 - 2025

Angela.jpg Mrs Angela Whitten

Key Question

“Take a good look at God’s wonders – they will take your breath away”. (Psalm 66.5)

How does our forest support promote curiosity and wonder in the World around us?


Our Forest school and outdoor environment provides opportunities everyday for us to become aware of, and care for,  God’s creation. We provide all children with the opportunity  to develop, learn and enjoy themselves in a safe, non-threatening environment where they can take risks, make choices and initiate their own learning.  Our forest school ethos is allows children the time and space to further develop their skills, through a range of practical, hands-on experiences in a natural environment. Forest school aims to develop the physical, social, cognitive, linguistic, emotional and spiritual aspects of our learners and encourages them them to take these skills both back into the classroom and into their daily lives.  In addition, it supports their knowledge of the wider world and what we need to do to protect it for future generations.


Through a combination of planned and child led activities children have the opportunity to use natural resources for inspiration and to develop an understanding of our world.

From Early Years to year 3, forest school is a part of children's weekly learning. Links are made between the forest school curriculum and learning in class, with specific links to scince, art, RE, DT and PE.

From year 4 to year 6, each class has a half termly forest provision again supplementing and securing knowledge gained in the classroom.

The forest school also provides a period of reflection and worship for each class that attends.


Through children's learning in the forest, we hope to have supported and developed children as naturally enquisitive learners, respectful of God's world and its wonders.



Files to Download

Forest School: News items

Admin Alerts 24 - 25, by Mrs Culshaw

Newsletters 2024-25, by Mrs Culshaw

Muddy Church Christingle, by Mrs Whitten

Forest School: Gallery items

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Contact Us

St Martin's C of E Primary and Nursery Younghayes Road, Cranbrook, Devon EX5 7DT
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